
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 13:51:30
A man was shot dead when he tried to calm down his son after Mike Tyson lost his world heavy-weight boxing title,police said.
Police arrested the man’s son,Keith H.Lewis,21,on Monday night in Colorado Spring Hotel.Howard Gomes,42,died in a hospital early on Sunday from a gun wound in the chest.
Police said witnesses reported that Howard Gomes was trying to stop his son from starting a fight with another man.The witnesses said Lewis was angry that Tyson had lost his heavy-weight title to Evander Holyfield,according to police.
Howard and his brother . Joseph,had invited friends to their home on Saturday night to watch the heavy-weight fight on TV.When Tyson’s defeat.Lewis became angry and started a quarrel with the man,police said wetnesses reported.
Joseph Gomes said his brother prevented it and told his son to go upstairs and cool down..He said Lewis went upstairs and his father followed,and they began fighting in the hall.
Joseph Gomes said he took a pistol(gu

警方拘捕该名男子的儿子,基思阁下刘易斯, 21日,星期一晚在科罗拉多州春Hotel.Howard戈麦斯, 42岁,在医院伤重不治周日早从枪伤口的胸部。
霍华德和他的兄弟。约瑟夫,邀请朋友来家周六晚上看重量级斗争TV.When泰森的defeat.Lewis变成愤怒,并开始争吵的男子,警方说, wetnesses报告。
当他返回,霍华德萨戈梅斯要求他的儿子的母亲在罗得岛,希望她couldcalm Lewis.But她批评刘易斯严重,这使刘易斯非常生气,根据约瑟夫萨戈梅斯。
“这是拍摄时开始说, ”约瑟夫萨戈梅斯。
“第一子弹击中墙壁在kitchen.The第二击中霍华德在左边的, ”他说。子弹击中霍华德萨戈梅斯的胸部。

警察说:一个人当他设法镇定下来他的儿子Mike Tyson失去世界重量级的拳击冠军称号之后被射死了.
警察在星期一晚上在科罗拉多春天宾馆拘捕了他的儿子,Keith H.Lewis,21岁.Howard Gomes,42岁,星期日早些时候死在一家医院从在胸口受伤的枪。
警察说证人报道霍华德Gomes设法阻止他的儿子与另一个人开始一次战斗。根据警察说证人说刘易斯是恼怒Tyson丢失了他的重量级冠军对Evander Holyfield。
Howard和他的兄弟。 约瑟夫,邀请朋友到他们的在星期六晚上的家观看在TV.When Tyson’s失败的重量级的战斗。刘易斯变得恼怒,并且开始与人争吵,警察说目击者报告的。
Joseph Gomes说他的兄弟防止了它并且告诉他的儿子去楼上和冷静下来。他说刘易斯去楼上,而且他的父亲跟随着,然后他们开始在大厅里打架。