
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 01:37:31
我是初中二年纪的 遇见几个英文作文 请教一下 别太高深 有额外加分
一 wei hua 上了一辆巴士 把钱包 丢在巴士上 后来 她报了警 巴士司机把钱还了她 70词 左右 提示词; suddenly purse lie ground pick up find money a name card telephone number call owner come at once happy get back thank nice
二 以“If i have a lot of money , i will ....”为题写一篇作文 60词左右
三 以“My Birthday Party ”为题写一片作文 60词
四 围绕 出行时选择哪种交通工具好 题目“The Best way to travel'' 60词
五 从下面物品中选择3件 结合问题 以 ”A TRIP ‘ 为题 编写故事 70词 1.where did you do last summer?
2.who did you go with ? 3.what happen? 4.how was the trip ? 物品:药 地图 手表 伞 食物 小刀

Once, when WeiHua got on a bus,she left her own purse on it.She was so worried about it that she called the police for help. Luckily,the kind-hearted driver picked it up in the bus.He also found some money and a name card with a telephone number in it .He tried to ring the number up,and fortunately succeeded.Finaly,the nice person gave the purse back to its master.WeiHua was very grateful for what he had done.
If I have a lot of money,First, I will do something useful to my own family,such as improving the house we live and the dressing we wear.Second,I will make an contribution to the seciety ,helping the poors in the countryside .Last I will spend enough money to my study ,buying many different kinds of books and magzines .
So this is what I think in my mind.
Actually,I want to tell everyone of you about my wonderful birthday party.That makes me excited. Let me tell you the details about it. On the day of my birthday,I came back home after c