whether 是否引导 条件状语从句 为什么 最好举例子

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:27:57

一个是:是否,he asked me whether i enjoy my work or not.
另一个是:无论,不管, i'll go whether you come with me or not.
直接引语: she asked ,"are you sure your father will come?"
间接引语1、 she asked if i was sure my father would go.
2、she asked whether i was sure my father would go.
【但是要注意引导间接地时候句子中出现or not,就一定要用whether 不能用if 了】
P.S. 关于让步状语从句,我也来解释一下,所谓的“让步”也就是退一步说的意思。让步状语从句一般是用though\although\even\if(即使)\however(无论如何)来引导。
例子:although he is in poor health , he works hard(虽然他身体不好,但是工作努力)
even if it rains cats and dogs, i'll go.(即使下倾盆大雨,我也要去)


常用if ,in case , on condition等词来引导
连接词主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that,provided,suppose,supposing 等

where you like or not , you must learn English well.
这个事状语从句 但不是