
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:44:25
____arriving home, I changed my mind.
A.at B.as C. on D.about答案是C,是什么固定搭配吗?

would you be ___to obey the rules?
A.so as B.kind as C.so kind as D.so kind enough as 答案是C,为什么?与D有什么区别?

I should like ____ in the lake thus afternoon.
A.go to swim B.to go swimming C.to go to swim D.to go for swimming

I am ____think that she is a warm-hearted woman.
A.such a fool as to B.such fool as to. C. so fool as to
D.as fool as to答案是A,其他选项错在哪了...?

The matter require ____.
A.to think over B.to be thought over C.being thingking over D.being thought over 答案是B,,但不是有个require、 ask后可用主动形式表被动吗,比如The machine needs repairing.那这个为什么不选D...

How stupid ____his advice!
A.it is for us not to take
B.of us not to take
C.it is for us not taking
D.of us not taking

We shall get her ____with us.
A.to go B.going C.gone D.go答案是A ,我知道有get sb done,还有get sb to do

1 on doing= as soon as do
2 D 的 so 和 enough 只能取其一。二者取其一就对了。
3 go swimming 固定搭配。go for 运动doing 彻底错了,运动没有这么表达的。go to swim 语法不错但是和go swimming意思不一样,说的是你在走路,目的是swim。
4fool 作名词可数B错。such n as to do和so adj as to都是固定搭配,D错。他俩意思不同。我相信她怎么怎么样,我可真是个笨蛋;我是如此之蠢,以至于我相信她怎么怎么样.
5thinking over 就对了. need doing=need to be done. 没有need being done。
6adj. of sb 也算不上“固定搭配”。形容词描述的是人就用of,说的是事就用for sb。
7get to do 是使役动词。让人做。get sth done意思不一样,是“使某事完成”。
8和rather没关系。I feel difficult doing something= something is difficult for me to do.