
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 03:10:29
The height and width of the image represent the number of pixels that will fill the rendering window. Note that this is independent of the size of the window. The image will be stretched or shrunk so that the given number of pixels fill the window. Very small image height and width values will lead to a very grainy picture in a large rendering window, but will look just fine in a small rendering window.
You can retrieve the current height and width values using the following functions:

图片的高度和 宽度 表示 填充显示窗口的像素数。这与窗口的尺寸没有关系。图片可以被拉伸或缩短,给定的像素数就可以填充窗口。高度值和宽度值都非常小的图片在大的显示窗口 中会很模糊,但是在小的显示窗口中就还行。你可以利用 以下功能得到当前的高度值和宽度值。

