帮我写一篇关于an amazing thing 作文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:26:45

an amazing thing
I am a student. Today is my birthday. An amazing thing happened to me!
It was 9 a.m. I invited friends to my home. They rang the doorbell and I ran to open the door quickly. I opened the door but I couldn't see anybody. I was in surprise. Suddenly, a god appeared in front of me. I was very frightened. To my surprise, he said‘Don't be afraid of me. Today is your birthday. I will satisfy one of your desires.’ I became very happy, but the trouble happened again. I was not sure what I desire to take.
When I hesitated, an old beggar went past my house. She looked very hungry. Suddenly, one idea appeared in my mind.
I rushed towards the god and said loudly‘Please give me some food and money.’He satisfied my desire. Then he disappeared. After a moment, a lot of food and money appeared. They were given to the beggar. The beggar was grateful to me. That time, I was the happiest in my life, because I helped the beggar.
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