
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:16:34
Born and raised in East St. Louis, Phil Perry has spent most of his career as one of the most sought-after backing vocalists in the music business. His bright, multi-octave range has played a supporting role on dozens of albums by such acts as Anita Baker, Boz Scaggs, Rod Stewart, Peabo Bryson and George Duke. But he has also distinguished himself through five strong solo albums that have highlighted both his ability to interpret classic soul songs as well as his own songwriting skills.
Perry first came to the attention of Soul Music fans as the lead singer of the Montclairs, whose "Begging's Hard to Do" was a moderate hit in 1972. In 1985 he married soul/jazz singer Lillian "Tang" Tynes, and began a marriage partnership that has lasted ever since. After a brief stint as part of the singing duo Perry and Sanlin, Perry went solo in 1991 with The Heart of a Man, an album most notable for Perry's sheer guts (or some thought audacity) in releasing as


他很聪明,他的多音阶的跨度能力在很多歌手的专辑中有支持性的体现作用,例如他们的:Anita Baker, Boz Scaggs, Rod Stewart, Peabo Bryson and George Duke.
他与灵歌兼爵士歌手Lillian Tang Tynes于1985年结了婚,并且这段婚姻关系一直保持至今。
佩里和Sanlin在做了一小段时间二重唱组合后,1991年,佩里去做了独唱,佩里放胆做了一张最著名的专辑,其中单曲《男人的心》是Aretha Franklin的《打给我》的重新演绎。这着实火了佩里,因为他大胆地在歌中运用时尚流行元素,甚至远远优秀于Aretha值得敬畏的原始版本。



在西圣路易斯出生和长大的Phil Perry,已经把他所有时间,以一个最求者的身份和作为一个歌手在音乐事业中工作。他那明亮,多音域的嗓音已经在他那众多的专辑中予以了很大的帮助,而例如Anita Baker, Boz Scaggs, Rod Stewart, Peabo Bryson和George Duke也是这一类人。但是同时他又通过自己五张个人专辑作出突出的表现,并从中高度表现出他在演绎灵魂乐和写歌的天赋和才能。Perry的第一次在灵魂乐领域内受到关注的时候是在作为Montclairs的主唱的时候,其中歌曲"Begging's Hard to Do"在1972年里广受好评。在1985年他与灵魂爵士乐歌手Lillian"Tang"Tynes结婚,并从那时开始以组合身份现于观众眼中。在短暂的从事与Sanlin的二重唱组合之后,Perry在1991年以专辑"The Hear