(道) 帮我翻译个字

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/10 17:07:05
帮我翻译这个字(道) 我道网站找了两个答案
先谢谢啊 ~

西方人最初把“道德经”3个字分别翻译为“道路”(the way)、“德性”(virtue)和“经典” (classic)3个词。
个人认为用the way不错。



In the Daodejing, the philosophy that “Tao follows Spontaneity” tells people to seek a state in which man is an integral part of nature. The dialectic “to oppose is the movement of Tao”, guides people to look at things from many sides and at a deep level. The practical wisdom, “No willful action and nothing without willful action”, voices the aspirations of people seeking freedom and a harmonious society.