
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 01:30:57
You can go 你可以选择逃避
You can start all over again 或许这样做就能使一切重新开始
You can try to find a way to make another day go by 你可以找寻其它的路来让日子更好过些
You can hide 你可以选择躲避于世界尽头
Hold all your feelings inside 把所有的情感都锁于心头
You can try to carry on when all you wanna do is cry 但是当你感到委屈伤心时你同样可以尝试勇敢地继续生活

Maybe someday we'll figure all this out 也许有一天我们会领悟生活的真谛
Try to put an end to all our doubt 与所有的疑虑来个终结
Try to find a way to make things better now 开辟出一条幸福之路
And maybe someday 又也许哪一天
We'll live our lives out loud 我们会精彩地活着
We'll be better off somehow 那时我们将会快乐无比
Someday 我坚信那一天终将来临

Now wait 现在我们所要做的事情就是等待
Try to find another mistake 看看还能找出什么错误吗
If you throw it all away 如果你选择放弃
Then maybe you can change you mind 那么你可能会改变主意
You can run 尽情奔跑
And when everything is over and done 当一切都结束的时候
You can shine a little light on everything around you 你可以照亮身边的一切
Man it's good to be so


You can go 你可以选择逃避
You can start all over again 或许这样做就能使一切重新开始
You can try to find a way to make another day go by 你可以找寻其它的路来让日子更好过些
You can hide 你可以选择躲避
Hold all your feelings inside 把所有的情感都锁于心头
You can try to carry on when all you wanna do is cry 但是当你感到委屈伤心时你同样可以尝试勇敢地继续生活

Maybe someday we'll figure all this out 也许有一天我们会领悟生活的真谛
Try to put an end to all our doubt 与所有的疑虑来个终结
Try to find a way to make things better now 开辟出一条幸福之路
And maybe someday 又也许哪一天
We'll live our lives out loud 我们会精彩地活着
We'll be better off somehow 那时我们将会快乐无比
Someday 我坚信那一天终将来临

Now wait 现在我们所要做的事情就是等待
Try to find another mistake 试着去找出另一个错误
If you throw it all away 如果你选择放弃
Then maybe you can change you mind 那么你可能会改变主意
You can run 尽情奔跑
And when everything is over and done 当一切都结束的时候
You can shine a little light on everything around you 你可以照亮身边的一切