中译英 关于日常回复的 急 在线等

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 03:25:55


You are not often caught on the net. I watched you perform that time. I hope to get a chance to cheer you up again.
Can you chat with others in English?

Barely see you online, your last performance was great, hope to enjoy your performance next time. btw can you speak English?
btw=by the way

Barely see you online, your last performance were great, hope I will see you performing again.

I can not always find you online, and I saw your wonderful performance at that time. If it is possible, I will be there all the time. Can we communicate in English?

On the net be not often see you, the performance seeing you last time is very good and have an opportunity to continue to pay tribute for you next time