
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 21:50:40
我要的是英文的,是变形金刚2 的
怎么后面那里不像啊,答案全都一样但没一个像?我听得出有I am Optimus.Prime and i send this massage..........we live on....

英文:Our race.Bacause of the past be forgotten and come together to face the future together.I am Optimus.Prime initiatives in theis issui.Let this go down in history.We hace precious memories of endless.

我们的种族因为被遗忘的过去而走到一起 齐心协力面对未来 我是擎天柱 在此发出倡议 让这段历史流传下去 我们拥有珍贵的记忆 生生不息

I know one thing. Whatever it may hold, it is a future we’ll meet together. Our Planets, our races, united by a history long forgotten, yet to be discovered.

Our race.Bacause of the past be forgotten and come together to face the future together.I am Optimus.Prime initiatives in theis issui.Let this go down in history.We hace precious memories of endless.

英文版本:Our race.Bacause of the past be forgotten and come together to face the future together.I am Optimus.Prime initiatives in theis issui.Let this go down in history.We hace precious memories of endless.