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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:26:55

Many people do not like to celebrate the birthday, but a lot of people take great importance to the birthday. According to the traditional celebration, people should be eating noodles on the birthday day to show that they will be the same longevity as the noodles.

Somebody loves to celebrate his birthday, while somebody not. According to traditional custom, someone should eat noodles to celebrate his birthday, which means his life will be as long as the noooooooooodle.

Many don't like celebrating their birthdays,while many do.According to the traditional celebrating way,men should eat noodles on their birthday,which means their life will be as long as the noodles

Many people don't like celebrating their birthday while some do. By the custom, noodle is traditional food on birthday for their life will be as long as the noodle.