
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/13 16:29:35


2.英国当代著名小说家及创作家毛姆在美国“大西洋”杂志中写道:“我不知道还有哪一部小说其中爱情的痛苦、迷恋、残酷、执著,曾经如此令人吃惊地描述出来。《呼啸山庄》使我想起埃尔•格里科的那些伟大的绘画中的一 幅,在那幅画上是一片乌云下的昏暗的荒瘠土地的景色,雷声隆隆拖长了的憔悴的人影东歪西倒,被一种不是属于尘世间的情绪弄得恍恍惚惚,他们屏息着。铅色的 天空掠过一道闪电,给这一情景加上最后一笔,增添了神秘的恐怖之感。”

3.《呼啸山庄》是一本奇特的书。它既是一本混乱的书,又是一本很好的书。它是丑恶的,却又给人美的感受。它是一本可怕的、痛苦的、充满激情的书。”(上海三联书店,毛姆,出版年: 1999-12,书名: 毛姆读书随笔)


""Roaring mountain villa " spiritual oppressing , tension and contradiction with the art imagination form person in having expressed nineteen centuries capitalist society conflict. This is without any idealism , not in the least false comforting of a volume , neither have the strength that any drops a hint of saying the destiny controlling them being not human being self fighting with and what action can reach. To the natural world , wilderness and rainstorm, a important part that stars and the season forcefulness summon to be that enlightenment life moves per se really. Men and women in "roaring mountain villa " is not the nature prisoner , they live in this world li , makes great efforts to go to change it , in the sometimes smooth , but, always sad , nearly, comes up against difficulties unceasingly , makes a mistake unceasingly and".
2. Famous United Kingdom the present age novelist and Maugham who creates a family write road in USA "Atla