
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 08:03:30
苹果受山寨Mac机厂困扰 欲打官司解决


比特网(Chinabyte)6月16日消息 苹果在俄罗斯以及德国都受到了来自山寨Mac机的挑战。据媒体报道,苹果已向法庭提交了一份请求书,欲强迫Mac克隆机厂商Psystar按照此前预定的时间在11月份出庭受审。



在此之前,两家山寨Mac机厂商RussianMac和PearC已经分别开始在俄罗斯和德国市场上出售Mac克隆机。最近几个月中最大的一桩Mac克隆机事件来自于Quo Computer,这家总部位于加利福尼亚州的公司已经在洛杉矶开设了一家专售Mac克隆机的零售店铺。这让苹果感觉受到了很大威胁。

2009-06-16 07:51 来源:比特网 作者:Abby

Apple Mac cottage factory plagued by the court wishes to address the

Apple in Russia and Germany from the cottage are the challenges of Mac machines. However, Apple did not want to receive financial compensation for the other hands, more to make up for loss of reputation.

Bit networks (Chinabyte) 6 on 16 News Apple in Russia and Germany from the cottage are the challenges of Mac machines. According to media reports, Apple has submitted a request of the court book, For forced Mac clone maker Psystar machine in accordance with the previously scheduled time of the trial in November.

Previously, Psystar in the filed for bankruptcy protection in May, the automatic suspension of their right to file lawsuits. Unfortunately, the company's business is still operating, so that the company should not have the right to use bankruptcy law to do so.

It appears from court documents, it is clear that Apple w