
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:55:20
1.They have broad wings.Their hooked beaks make them look terrible and different from other birds.they can fly high in the sky.
2.It can make its home on the cliff,and it flies to southern countries in winter.
3.It has black or brown fur and sharp paws.It can walk upright.It likes to move around in the daytime,but it seldom hurts people.

1 eagle鹰,它们有宽大的翅膀。它们的鹰勾嘴使它们看起来有些害怕,并使它们和其他的鸟有所不同,它们能够在空中飞的很高。
2 swallow 燕子 它们能够在海边的峭壁安家,并且在冬天飞向南方。
3 sparrow 麻雀 它有着黑色或棕色的毛和尖锐的爪子,它能笔直的行走。在白天时喜欢到处走动,但是它很少伤人。

1 eagle 老鹰

2 swallow 燕子(这个不大确定,好像有燕子在悬崖上)

3 sparrow 麻雀