请高手帮忙汉英几个句子 写简历用 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/16 08:20:27
“同仁堂创建于1669年,距今已有340年,是中国的老字号,同仁堂健康药业是同仁堂大家族中的一员,本着同修仁德 济世养生 为人类健康不断的创新,进取。”
就这两句 请英文高手帮忙翻译一下,感激不尽 在线等
是这样,同仁堂集团 旗下有11个分公司 同仁堂健康 是其中一个 是这个意思

Tongrenrang, founded in 1669, is a time-honored brand with a history of 340 years. Tongrentang Jiankang Pharmacutical Co' Ltd, affiliated with Tongrentang Group, is always innovating and progressing in Human Health Undertaking with a spirit of Serving the people, Preserving the health.

"Tong Ren Tang was founded in 1669, already 340 years ago, is China's long-established, healthy Tongrentang Tongrentang family medicine is in a spirit of Nintoku Together to serve human health, health for constant innovation, aggressive."

"Tong Ren Tang was founded in 1669, already 340 years ago, is China's long-established, healthy Tongrentang Tongrentang family medicine is in a spirit of Nintoku Together to serve human health, health for constant innovation, aggressive."