
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 20:47:46


Hi everyone out there in the Youtube world. My name is April Marie. And this is actually my "secret" Youtube account. You can check out my other account under the name amber25.I've been on Youtube now going on a year. And when I started on Youtube I was a flogger.All I did was just flogged, and flogged, flogged and flogged. And uh...as time progressed I started feeling silly, goofy and more artsy. And my video xxxxx became so much about my flogs as it did about my....other videos. But I still wanna flog, and I still wanna talk, and I still wanna speak and vent and rant and xxxx xxxx just seems that when I try to still do that now under my amber25 account. I am not taking seriously because of the other videos I posted out there. So that is what this channel is for. I could talk about myself a lot, talk about my friends, talk about my experiences here on Youtube. You know, just vent and rant. I don't know, just kinda try to go back to what I