
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:21:03
Figure Q3(d)

Question 3

Three particles are placed on an x-y plan. Given that particle A has a mass of 18 kg and its coordinate is (14,12). Particle B has a mass of 14 kg and its coordinate is (8,20). Particle C has a mass of 10 kg and its coordinate is (18,15). Find the center of mass of the system of particles.
(4 marks)
Two glass marbles are moving along a straight line in the same direction chasing each other undergo a complete elastic collision. The speed of one marble is 8 m/s and its mass is 15 g, the speed of the other marble is 7 m/s and its mass is 16 g. What are the speeds and directions of the marbles after the collision?
(6 marks)
A bullet of mass 16 g is moving at 600 m/s strikes a 5 kg wooden block at rest on a frictionless surface. The bullet penetrates, emerges, and traveling in the same direction with its speed reduces to 450 m/s. Calculate the resulting speed of the block.



三粒子放在一个坐标计划。鉴于粒子A的质量为18公斤和协调是( 14,12 ) 。粒子B的质量为14公斤和协调是( 8.20 ) 。粒子ç有大量的10公斤和协调是( 18,15 ) 。找到中心的大规模系统的粒子。
( 4分)
两片玻璃弹珠是沿着一条直线在同一方向追赶对方接受一个完整的弹性碰撞。速度的一个大理石为8米/秒及其质量为15克,速度的其他大理石为7米/ S ,它的质量为16克什么是速度和方向的弹珠碰撞后?
( 6分)