Do some conductors conduct better than other?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 10:43:38

yes, some metal conductors like hydrargyrum and ferro(iron) or semimetals conducts heat and eletricity better than other conductors.
It's all about the bonds between the atoms that form the material. It's somehow similar to conductors and insulators from electrical point of view... in metals for instance the atoms are tied together strongly compared to wood for example,,, you can look at these bonds as "bridges" that would conduct heat and electricity "by moving electrons" much better than wood.

NO,it depends.
Is it for sale?For some conductors,it may be true because they stronger abilities than others.
If the "conduct"means "manage"or somgthing
else ,then the "conductor"as well as"manager" actually can conduct better than other.
If it is for physics,then some metal such as gold、siver or iron can have different
conducts in some aspects thanks to the nature of thei