
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 10:24:52
摘要:教育与生活的关系既是当前国内外教育界讨论的热点问题,更是人类永恒的课题。回顾历史,斯宾塞主张“教育为未来生活做准备”,杜威提出了“教育即生活”的观点,陶行知先生始终认为,“生活本就是一部活的教科书”。 时下各种有关教育问题的论战还是屡见报端。诸如,是否应取消高考;是否取消高中文理分科;大学生毕业即待业究竟是谁的过错等等。人们对这些话题的关注与讨论本身就可以反映出教育的存在状况:教育与生活的关系出现了“裂缝”。作为教育工作者,我们有必要重新审视并认真学习教育与生活之间的内在联系,认清教育在生活中的地位和作用,找到现在教育问题的关键,指导我们的教育实践。


The relationship between education and life is the prevalent topic of disscusion over the world nowadyas, and furthermore it is an eternal topic for us human beings. Looking back to history, there were many views such as " education for future life" by 斯宾塞 and "education is about life" by 杜威, Mr. 陶行知 has been believing since the start that "Life itself is a textbook". Many issues on education have been raised up thesedays, for example, whether we should abolish Exam for entry of University, whether we should stop streaming students into different courses in Junior High school, and who is at fault for making many University graduates jobless. These hot discussions can reflect on the current situation of education, which is there is "gap" between education and life. Working in the education industry, we have to reassess and learn the deeper relationship between education and life, and identify the position and purpose of education in life. After