
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 22:18:33

我的母亲是一个勤劳善良的女人,年刚过半百。自我年少,我的父亲因病瘫痪,年境贫困,我的母亲一个独立支撑整个家, 父母本以为我毕业之后去了北京有一份好工作,可以让他们慢慢安定下来,能过的稍稍舒适一点,然而命运捉弄人,去年我的父亲被病魔夺去了宝贵的生命,留给家人的伤痛影音至今还在,最可怜的是我的母亲,儿女不能陪其身边,孤孤单单一个人。因生平勤劳惯了,根本没有法安闲下来。尤其我的父亲去世之后,哪怕每佳节喜庆日,回家呆上两三天,都能闲下来,所以一直以来她都在广东这边打工。然今年全球经济不景气,她所在厂家破产了,被迫失业。如今看着她忧郁的样子,我一点办法也没有,心里很不是滋味。思来想去,只有看副总你能否帮忙为我的母亲介绍一份工作,做个厨师,保洁员都可以。

Dear Mr. ***

I am so sorry to trouble you at your busy time, but I think that this is the last chance for me. I want you do me a favor. It have been hidden in my heart for long time and I don't know how to let you know, but today I will take the courage to tell you by writing this e-mail.

It was a long story. My mother is a hardworking and kind-hearted woman and just in her 50s. My family circumstances have been in poverty since my father paralyzed due to illness when I was a child. my mother had been the only bread-winner of my family from then on .

My parents thought that I would have a good job in Beijing after my graduation from university, and let their life better and more comfortable, but I never expected that the fate played tricks on my family again. Last year my father died of disease, the endless pain left on my family and the most miserable one is my mother. Moreover, being children, we can't accompany with her and left her alo