
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:23:58
1.They publish large numbers of fairy tales every year,This year___they have published 20000 copies.
A only B just C alone D merely

2.It looks like weather is changing for __.Shall we wtick to our plan?
A the worse B worse C the worst D worst
(A)想知道A和B 的区别,为什么不选B
3.You can imagine what great trouble they have__the problem__
A to solve,being talked about
B solving,discussing
C to solve,to talk about
D solving,being discussed
4.——Are you happy with your new computer?
---No,it is __me a lot of troubie
A leaving B giving


1.这个题你要从句以上理解一下,“他们每年都要出版大量的童话故事书,仅今年这一年就发行了20000本”。然后就要知道,this year only是“仅今年这一年”的意思。


3.你可以这样理解,They have great trouble solving the problem discussing. 有一个词组时have trouble/problems (in) doing,in可以省略.因此第一个空填solving是没问题的,但是对于第二个空,我就不能给出明确的答复了,我认为应该是discussed,而不是discussing。这个你要不留着再问一下老师或者其他人。要不就是题目可能有问题。

4.give sb trouble 给某人添麻烦,而leave有“留给某人”的意味儿,所以选give要更好。

3)imagine+doing sth,what great trouble they have是完整的句子,所以imagine solving the problem,而discussing是修饰the problem的
4)好像有give sb sth,没leave sb sth