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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:43:15
Iridi knew little of the Sunwell, though she had heard it mentioned by others. It was a source of
tremendous magic that had been destroyed, that much the priestess understood. There had
been a rumor, however, that it had been restored...and now it seemed that not only was that
rumor true, but there had been far more to it than anyone who had spoken of it could have ever

"The will of the world shapes us all," Iridi murmured to Kalec in an attempt to soothe him. He
had obviously cared much for the human incarnation. "And even through such adversity, we
grow stronger."


虽然Iridi曾经从别人那里听说过太阳井,但是他对太阳井还是略知甚微。 它是一个曾经被众多女祭师知道的而且已被毁灭的伟大魔法之源。 曾经有一个它被从新填满的传闻,但是现在看来不仅这个传闻貌似是真的,而且还有很多讨论它的人没想到的更大的事情。

“世界的意愿给了我们形态“ iridi 低声地试图安慰kalec. 他明显对人类的降生很关心。 “虽然我们遇到这样的不幸,但我们会变得更强。”

Iridi知之甚少的Sunwell ,但她听说这所提到的其他人。这是一个来源

“意志是我们所有人的世界的形状, ” Iridi喃喃地对Kalec说 ,试图安慰他。他显然会照顾很多人的化身。 甚至通过这种逆境中,我们发展壮大。