Lectures and Discussions

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 14:33:12
要用英语回答 先说讲座式的再说讨论式的 在提出自己的观点

There are two main styles of teaching in university nowadays which are Lectures and Disccusions. A lecture consists of usually one lecturer and a large group of students. The lecturer can make use of various multi media tools such as projector which projects the image on his computer to a large screen. Students in lecture very seldom gets chance to speak to the lecturer personally or ask questions during lesson. Lecture maximises the efficiency of the limited number of teachers in the university, as more students are taught on the same time. Discussions are made up of one or more teacher with a small group of students, and there are many opportunities for students to communicate with the teacher personally or in a small group, and this will greatly help the students in understanding various issues of the topics. Students also get to discuss among themselves and this reinforce their understandings.

Even though lecture allows the school to maximise the efficiency of teache