
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/14 17:56:28
we,the undersigned,hereby make request for delivery of fhe following goods,wares and merchandise without production of Bill of Lading covering the same,to wit:
The Bill of Lading covering said cargo has not yet arrived.The undersigned consignee in entitled to the possession of said cargo,the undersigned bank in ordinary course of banking business is financing said consignee in connection with the importation of the cargo mehtioned herein.In consideration of the delivery of said cargo to the undersigned consignee or order,without the surrender of Bill of Lading, we the undersigned,jointly and severally hereby agree and guarantee to indemnify you and/or the owners of said vessel against any and all claims that may be made by any and all parties whomsoever on account of the delivery of the aforesaid cargo,and at all times to save and hold you and/or the owners harmless therefrom and to pay all expenses which may come or be incurred by you on account of the resistance of may such c

提单涵盖说货物尚未arrived.The以下收货人有权管有说货物,以下银行的正常经营过程中的银行业务是融资说收货人与进口货物mehtioned herein.In审议的交付说以下货物的收货人或命令时,没有交出提单,我们以下,共同及个别在此同意,并保证赔偿您和/或业主说,对船只的任何和所有索赔,可能以任何和所有各方就到何人提供的上述货物,并在任何时候都保存并举行您和/或业主无害由此并支付所有费用可能会或所应承担相应的你抵抗可能这种赔偿要求或claims.And我们还同意,以明确的草稿可能会附着在提单涵盖说货物,立即upin的到来同样在香港,并立即提供并移交给你说,法案提单正确赞同,并随即向您支付任何及所有运费或其他费用后,说货物可能是因为在这里可以或可能已被无偿由托运人在