急!急!急! 求看一本书。。 用英文写的读后感。300字左右!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 14:33:59
什么书都可以。。 要健康的书籍。。


  Robinson Crusoe’s courage and passion

  Always, Robinson Crusoe was not satisfied with his status quo, like most of us. However, few of us have the courage to make any change. That’s why most of us can hardly make any progress. But once Robinson Cruose had a dream, nothing can impede him.

  Early at his teenager hood, he got the strong will to go to sea. Though, he might be well introduced, and had a prospect of raising his fortune by application and industry, with a life of ease and pleasure, if he chose to stay at his father’s house and his native country. Losing 2 of his 3 sons, Robinson’s father would certainly not allow his only beloved son going to sea and sufferings miseries. Being an obedient child, and due to the love of his father, Robinson was hesitant at once. But he finally chose the life he wanted and broke away from the life of ease and pleasures the 1st time.

  By the 2nd time he went to sea again, he was a rich a