你的英语阅读理解思维是什么? 请看下面一短文 帮我纠正一下啊错误 谢谢了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:54:56
你的英语阅读理解思维是什么? 请看下面一短文 帮我纠正一下啊错误 谢谢了

I used to hate exams and Istill remember how my mind would always go blank whenever faced with a question paper.I’d forget everything I’d reviewed,and often couldn’t help crying.
AS the years passed,I began to realise that my exam performance was affected by what I ate while studying and,most importantly,whay I consumed on the day of the exam.if you have a school-age child,the following tips may help them,too.
1) Accoreding to the passage,the author was tired of having exams mainly because( )
A. the exams were too difficult for the author to deal with
B. the author often couldn’t remember what had been leared
C. the author usually didn’t eat well before exams
D. the author couldn’t help crying when having exam
2) this passage is mainly written for
A. teachers
B. students
C. parents
D. professors
我第一个选C结果错了 你呢?你会选? 答案给的B,请你帮我纠正一下

affected by what I ate while studying和选项C的内容可以替换吗?不能就不选。从语义说,学习的时候吃的东西有关也只是推测,而且没说是与哪方面相关,吃得好考得好还是吃的不好考得好?所以无法推出选项C

而B却可以拿回原文替换,“my mind would always go blank” 就等于“couldn’t remember what had been learned”

