
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 10:15:25
A number that reads the same from right to left as when read from left to right is called a palindrome. The number 12321 is a palindrome; the number 77778 is not. Of course, palindromes have neither leading nor trailing zeroes, so 0220 is not a palindrome.

The number 21 (base 10) is not palindrome in base 10, but the number 21 (base 10) is, in fact, a palindrome in base 2 (10101).

Write a program that reads two numbers (expressed in base 10):

N (1 <= N <= 15)
S (0 < S < 10000)
and then finds and prints (in base 10) the first N numbers strictly greater than S that are palindromic when written in two or more number bases (2 <= base <= 10).
Solutions to this problem do not require manipulating integers larger than the standard 32 bits.

数量21 (基地10 )是不是回文在基地10 ,但这个数字21 (基地10 )实际上是一个回文在基地2 ( 10101 ) 。
写一个程序,读取两个数字(表示基地10 ) :
ñ ( 1 “ = ñ ” = 15 )
小( 0 “县” 10000 )
然后发现并打印(在基地10 )前n号码严格大于县是回文时写的两个或两个以上的一些基地( 2 “ =基地” = 10 ) 。
