香芋冰淇凌 和芒果冰淇凌的一段英文介绍

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:21:36
香芋冰淇凌 和芒果冰淇凌的一段英文介绍
单词不用很难 也不用很多

mango ice cream芒果冰淇凌
This is a simple and easy dessert recipe that you will love to make, especially now that it is summer and there are plenty of mangoes, I usually buy a box of mangoes because it is cheaper and when I have enough of them I will make this yummy mango ice cream, it is just divine. . .
So easy, even kids can do it.

taro ice cream香芋冰淇凌
This taro flavor was delicious and exactly the refreshment we needed after biking around in hot weather.Taro ice cream is purple, and its taste is natural. The color is more special, and bright a person's eyes. I believe that after people eat this king of ice cream , he will be happy, forgetting unhappy things.