求:我的青春谁做主 英文介绍(300字左右)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:37:23
恩。。。考高中的时候可能要用,尽量用简单词汇,多用关联词和纯正的句式,原题是 介绍一本你喜欢的书(就当它是书吧),有什么情节 为什么喜欢
我想还是 突出情节和反映的社会问题的这两方面
英语达人帮帮忙,小弟15岁 词汇量不高 别写太高深的文章 再此谢过

I like a book, who is called the master of my youth, I like it because the inside of each figure is clear, the main character and her money to sample all the efforts of the two sisters for their youth, their own efforts, it allows us to Our youth should be aware of themselves and should not have relied on their parents