
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:02:52
1. 他一到家就把那个好消息告诉父母。 (at soon as)
2. 只有当你失去一样东西时才会觉得它的重要。 (only when)
3. 他在唱歌比赛中博得了冠军。 (win)
4. 献血不会伤害身体。 (do harm to)
5. 当地政府正在解决这个问题。 (solve the problem)
6. 如今人们很注重食品安全。 (the safety of the food)
7. 沉重的作业使许多学生失去了学习的兴趣。 (make)
8. 玩网络游戏是浪费时间。 (a waste of time)

1.He told his parents the good news as soon as he arrived home.
2.Only when you lost something,would you think it important.
3.He won the first prize in the singing competition.
4.It doesn't do harm to your health to donate blood.
5.The local government is solving the problem.
6.At the present day,people pay more attention to the safety of the food.
7.Too much homework made many students lose their interest in learning.
8.It's a waste of time to play computer games.

1.He told his parents the good news as soon as he got home.
2.You will feel one thing precious only when you have lost it.
3.He won the singing match.
4.Donating blood does no harm to our body.
5.The local government is solving the problem.
6.Nowadays,people pay much attention to the safety of the food.
7.Heavy load has made a lot of students lose intrests of studying.
8.Playing online games is a waste of time.

你几年级啊? 这都找人翻译