
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:50:26
1《绝代艳后》中女主角在她的新房子里唱的民谣 路易大赞的那首
2《非诚勿扰》中舒淇答应葛优做他女朋友 然后说了句 心里都乐开花了吧 然后马上接了段欢快的钢琴曲 请高手作答 听说是快女作的曲 有没有高人有这曲子 高分求 不要复制别人的答案的 别人的答案我也看过 那怕是截音频也可以
那曲子并不是原声带里的 没有录进去

1er Menuet pour 'Les Guerriers et les Amazones', 2ème Menuet"
(from "Les Indes galantes")
Music by Jean-Philippe Rameau
Performed by Les Arts Florissants
Conducted by William Christie
Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi s.a.


Tristes apprêts, pâles flambeaux"
(from the opera "Castor et Pollux")
Music by Jean-Philippe Rameau
Performed by Agnès Mellon (uncredited) with Les Arts Florissants
Conducted by William Christie
Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi s.a.

"Aux lagueurs d'Apollon"
(from the opera-buffon "Platée")
Music by Jean-Philippe Rameau
Performed by Carolyn Sampson with Ex Cathedra
Conducted by Jeffrey Skidmore
Courtesy of Hyperion Records Ltd.

"Ou Boivent Les Loups"
Written & Performed by Phoenix
