
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:41:35

很多歌手都有演唱,有很多版本。Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Michael Buble等等大牌都有演唱,近期Beyonce也有版本。

我特别喜欢Peggy Lee的版本,她的版本无插电伴奏,爵士味很浓,而且她的歌词较其他歌手的都多两段,分别是朱丽叶与罗密欧,以及Miss Pocahontas和Smith船长的故事,这两个都是英语社会妇孺皆知的情节,浪漫凄美的爱情传说。


Never know how much I love you,
Never know how much I care.
When you put your arms around me,
I get a fever that's so hard to bear.

You give me fever,
When you kiss me,
Fever when you hold me tight.
Fever! In the morning,
Fever all through the night.

Sun lights up the daytime
And moon lights up the night..
I light up when you call my name
And you know I'm gonna treat you right

You give me fever
When you kiss me,
Fever when you hold me tight.
Fever! In the morning,
And fever all through the night

Everybody's got the fever
That is something you all know
Fever isn't such