关于日本风俗习惯 人文地理的英语文章 (包括中文,简单一点,初一水平)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 16:53:56

歌舞伎:KABUKIis one of the most favorite Japanese culture.
Of cause most of us know its name, but almost Japanese don’t know its content.
It begin at 1598, Okuni from Izumo State. Kabuki comes from “Kabuku”, what means out of common sense.

相扑SUMO is the sport two men who are in no clothes are battle on the “Dohyo”. It began to the mythological age. Today, Sumo treats a nation sport.
the strongest Sumo wrestler is Asashoryu. He is not Japanese, is Mongol. So, Japanese people hope to appear other stronger Japanese man who can win Asashoryu.

NOH and KYOUGEN have been played 600 years ago. Noh is the world which appear ghost and he talk to his life. On the other hand, Kyougen brings a lot of laughing. One of the Kyougen, “Busu” is on some Japanese text books.

文化:JAPANIMATION and JAPANESE COMICS belong to Otaku culture. For example, probably, you know “Dragon Ball” or “Pocket Monster”. And “Star Wars” was under the influence of Otaku culture