three social problems

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 08:00:34
write a brief description of three social problems in the city,and then write 2 causes and 2 effects of that social problem

1,Hard to be employed (就业难)
causes:labours abundunt ; lack of enough jobs.
effects:competition in talent market is very ferocious; brain drain

2,Business fraud(商业欺诈)
causes:businessman try every mean to seek profit;law enforcement systems need to be strenthened
effect:vircious compitition in commercial circles;consumers's rights are harmed

3,Environment pollution (环境污染)
causes:wrong developing stretergy;large numbers of high energy-consumption industries
effect:degredation in human's living condition;harmed some endanged animals

Aggravating social contradictions due to loss of farmland
In the process of fast industrialization and urbanization, the loss of farmland has brought a serious problem to the society. Some 40 million farmers have lost their land in the country.

Income gap further widened
According to the sample survey on 50,000 urban residents across the country in 2004, the per capita