
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 20:35:59
我的电脑用了重装盘后就进不去了,出现:一保护开机就出现we apologize for the inconvenience.but windows did not start successfully A recent hardware or software change might have caused this If your computer stopped responding,restarted unexpectediy,or was automatically shut down to protect your filesand folders.choose last known good configuration to revert to the most recent setting that worked

if a previous starup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the power or rest button was pressed. or if you aren't sure what caused the probiem, choose start windows normally. safe mode safe mode with networking safe mode with command prompt last known goog configuration (your most recent settings that worked) start windows normally use the up and woen arrow keys to move the highighe to your choice. seconds until windows starts: 24


给您带来不便我们深表歉意.Windows没有成功启动最近的硬件或软件更改,可能会造成这个如果您的计算机停止响应,重新启动unexpectediy ,或者是自动关闭以保护您的文件和文件夹.选择最后一次正确的配置恢复到最近的设置工作
如果前一个启动组试图打断由于电源故障或由于权力或其他按钮被按下。或如果您不知道的原因问题 ,选择启动Windows正常。