
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 19:25:19
有epidemic influenza,也有influenza epidemic ,又有epidemic flu


Influenza Epidemic是流感疫情。
The town is sealed off due to the influenza epidemic.

在Epidemic influenza里,Epidemic则是用来形容流感。也就是传染性的流感。
He has contacted the epidemic influenza.
The town is sealed off due to the fear of transmission of the epidemic influenza.


influenza = flu 一个是学名,一个是缩写

应该是 flu epidemic 或者 influenza epidemic , epidemic 强调流感的传染性之大

epidemic influenza不正规,因为epidemic 不是形容词,是名词


influenza 流行性感冒; 流感,是正规用词 作口语使用时为Flu

epidemic 流行性的; 流行病

epidemic流行的, 传染的, 流行性 influenza流行性感冒
1.epidemic of influenza流行性感冒
eg.an epidemic outbreak of influenza
2.influenza epidemic
eg.The whole of London was in the grip of an influenza epidemic
3. flu [口]【医】(=influenza)流行性感冒
即=epidemic of influenza