
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 17:21:14

80后、29岁、清华大学、研究生、年龄最小的市长……这一连串的符号,让一则普通的官员任免新闻登上了门户网站的首页。不过,“29岁市长” 周森锋却并未享受到网友的掌声,相反,新闻之后的跟帖大多为质疑、调侃之声——套用《焦点访谈》的话说,“29岁市长”的出现,让网友们颇有些“心神不宁”。

A succession of titles “80s generation, 29 years old, Qinghua University, post graduate, the youngest mayor”, enabled the appointment announcement top the homepage of the key websites. However, the 29 year-old Zhou Senfeng didn’t win applause from the netizens. In contrary, the following posters expressed their doubt and ridicule. Quoting the remarked from the “Focus”, “the 29-year-old mayor made the netizens ‘unease’”.


We have to confess that there is no reason for the doubt, which only reveals the “envy” or “jealousy”. Some netizens ask “what was the reason for his high position as a new graduate”; someone will say “it was quite difficult for me to h