
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 03:21:17
1、 乘客们,为了您和他人的安全,严禁携带易燃、易爆、易碎等危险物品上车。
2、 为了您和他人的身体健康,请不要再车厢内吸烟、吐痰、丢果皮杂物。
3、 各位乘客,车厢比较拥挤,请尽量向后门靠拢,让有急需的乘客上车,谢谢合作!


1, Passengers, for the safety of yourself and others, strictly carry inflammable, explosive, fragile and other dangerous articles.

2, To you and others, please don't health smoking in cars, spitting, throw peel sundry.

3, Dear passengers, carriage crowded, please try to close to the door, let the passengers are needed, thank you for your cooperation!

1, passengers, in order to you and the safety of others, is strictly prohibited to carry flammable, explosive, fragile, dangerous goods on board.
2, in order to you and the health of others, please refrain from smoking inside, spitting, throwing objects peel.
3, all passengers crowded train, please try to move closer to the back door so that passengers on the train much-needed, Thank you for your cooperation!