Class 5A was the worst class in Hill valley High School. The students were badly behaved and had no

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 00:26:07
Class 5A was the worst class in Hill valley High School. The students were badly behaved and had no interest in their lessons.
When a new principal came to work at the school, he decided to do something about class 5A.
On the second day of school he left his office and walked to 5A's classroom. He did not need to know where it was. He could hear them. They were making a terrible noise.
He stood outside the classroom for a few moments and looked inside through the window. He was disgusted by what he saw.
Some boys were fighting. Other students were throwing things at one another. No one was doing any work.
The principal had experienced badly behaved classes before. He knew what to do. He would go into the classroom, take hold of the biggest boy in the class and punish him. This would be an example to the others.
He took a deep breath and opened the classroom door. The students paid no attention to him.
"Silence!" he shouted at the top of


1. C (那个班是全校最不听话的)
2. A (校长是靠听声音才找到那个教室的)
3. A (校长看见了教室里面的人在打打闹闹,不开心)
4. D (那个最大的男生其实不是学生,而是个老师)
5. C (校长一开始准备找教室里最大的学生来当列子)

