
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/12 13:43:29
can 和 could的意义和用法
可以是体力或脑力方面的能力,也可以是根据客观条件能做某种动作的能力,相当于BE ABLE TO 如
he can say that again你可以再说一遍
they asked whether they could smoke in the hall他们问能不能在大厅里抽烟
he could say that again
they asked whether they can smoke in the hall

could 是 can的过去时,同时could也是can较为语气委婉的时的说法,所以基本都可以互用

could 有两种意思,一是做为 can 的过去式,比如我们讲故事时,因为大多用过去式,所以其中所有的can 都要用成could. 另外,在虚拟语气中,也是要用过去时表与现在相反. I wish I could fly.

第二种,就是表意愿,比can 更委宛.
Could I buy this book? 带有点祈求的味道.---至于怎么用,就看你的情境及你说话对象和你自己的强势程度来决定了.从语法上说,均可以用.

1) could是can的过去式,它也可以表示一种委婉的问话。Could you……

can和could表示能力,can用于现在时,could用于过去时或表示委婉的说法,而be able to可以用于各种时态。

eg:He is over 80 but still can read without glasses.

He could speak French, so he was able to help the French lady yesterday.

This is the information I\'ve been able to get so far.

I used to be able to remember thing quickly.

eg: Sports and games can be fairly expensive. (可能性)

You can walk for miles in the country without meeting anyone. (可能性)

You can go now if you really have something urgent.