求个英语好的帮帮忙翻译点东西 跪地下求你们了 在线等待

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:25:51
每个人都有自己的想发 想法多了也不好 我就是那种不好的 人但是对你的爱绝对100% 曾经的承诺 真的就没有了么 我觉得我得希望我的未来还没有结束 冲动的感觉不好 你说过你改好多东西 但是改过多少 我可以接受你这样 小孩皮气 但是你不能通融我为我想想我这么做的目的

Everyone has their own idea of the idea of not more that I was not a good person but the love you have absolute 100% commitment to you, there is no really I think I have to hope that my future was not yet over impulsive feel bad you said you turn to a lot of things but I can accept the number of children you have skin gas But you can not accommodate, I think I do for my purpose