帮忙中译英几句话 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 10:35:07
2、见到老师问好事有礼貌的行为(good manners)
3、那个病人,在证实已痊愈之前,要隔离起来(be isolated)


1、He's always ready to help others, so his classmates made him monitor。
2、It's good manners to say hello to your teachers。
3、The patient should be isolated before he is proved to be cured.
1、make sb +职位 职位前不用加冠词
2、manners行为讲时 是可数名词
3、be isolated被隔离 must语气过于强硬 should 更适当一些

1. He's always ready to help others so his classmates made him monitor.
2. It's good manners to say hello to teachers.
3. The patient has to be isolated before being proved cured.

He is always ready to help others,so his classmates make him monitor.
Say hello to you teachers when came across them is good manners.
That patient should be isolated before he was proved to be cured.

He's always ready to help others, and his classmates made him monitor
It's good manners to say hello to your teachers
The patient must be isolated until proved recovered