
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 08:28:03
我真想离开这个家,这个家令我讨厌极了!虽然这个家给我带来了很多欢乐,但是也给我带来了十分不愉快的事情.特别是我老爸,我开始越来越讨厌他了,为什么他会变成这样子,我真想他变回以前的样子.2009年对我们家真是一个极大的考验,一个很倒霉的日子.真想快点过去,快点到2010年,让我们家有一个新的开始,新的生活! 期待ing......

I really want to leave this house, this house makes me sick! Although this home brings me a lot of joy, but also bring me a very unpleasant things. Especially my dad, I began to hate him, and why he will become like this, I really want him back before 2009. Of our home is really a great test, a very unlucky day. I want to hurry, hurry up to 2010, let us have a new beginning and a new life!

I really want to leave this home, I hate it so much! Though it brings lots of happy things, but also lots off unpleasant things. Especially my dad, I have started to hate him more and more. Why he has changed a lot! I want him be back. 2009 is a big challenge for my home, I'm looking fouward 2010, and my home could have a new beginning, and a new life!