_the film may be,I have no time to see it

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/13 02:51:45
为啥Although exciting不行,劳烦解释详细点

因为这个空没有给出供选择的答案,所以可以填一下内容:Exciting as/though;
No matter how /However exciting。
不能用Although exciting,因为Although 是连词后面不能直接跟形容词,要把exciting放在may be的后面,也就是:Although the film may be exciting,I have no time to see it。

2.___the film may be,I have no time to see it.
a.although exciting b.no matter exciting
c.even if xcited d.however exciting
解释:however exciting the film may be=no matter how exciting the film may be.
no matter引导一个how exciting疑问句的让步状语从句。

有倒装,Although the film is exciting,I have...

首先正确答案应该是though exciting吧
although/as/though尽管都可以引导让步状语从句。区别是although不可以用倒装,as和though都可以用倒装 。在这个题目中前半句用的倒装语态,所以although不可以。