
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 20:05:13
歌词中有 listen to some music

曲名:冰力十足 歌手:任贤齐
Listen to the music 痛快喝个冰凉
Every body Rock Rock N' Roll
不要随便投降 摇吧摇吧乱唱无所谓的疯狂
我拥有冰力十足的心脏 我拥有冰力十足 <br>
没有人能阻挡 我发了疯的嚷嚷 <br>
从没有的感觉舒畅 跳著生弹簧 <br>
细胞跟著高涨 离我远点不要烫伤 <br>
我自由自在飞翔 没有什么烦恼在想 <br>
让自己过得不一样 开大你家音响 <br>
让音乐为你抓痒 管他什么人不爽 痛快喝个冰凉 <br>
Every body Rock Rock N" Roll <br>
不要随便投降 摇吧摇吧乱唱无所谓的疯狂 <br>
我拥有冰力十足的心脏 我拥有冰力十足 <br>
Rap(Jeffrey kung) : I'm gonna do my thing, don't care what <br>
you do. Hoppin on the mic,tearin it up with the crew. <br>
B-boy style here, we goin old school. Don't give a what, <br>
hell no, battle will do. People be talkin bout where I go. <br>
Who I'm seeing. People be talkin trash for all the wrong <br>
reasons. People be talkin don't understand. That I don't <br>
give a Uh, what you think about what. Say what I