
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:43:05
1 所有的规则都要严格遵守(obey)
2 巴金被认为是一位伟大的作家(consider)
3 科学家们正在进行一项重要的实验(carry out)
4 在一天的工作之后,他累得已经没有力气做作业了(too…to)
5 在过去几年中,北京的交通已经大为改善(improve)
6 是这个驾驶员粗心导致了这张车祸吗?(cause)
7 我们仍然记得去年我们在巴黎一起度过的日子(定语从句)
8 越来越多的美国人开始担心自己的安全(worry)
9 我们盼望能够参加北京奥运会的开幕式(look forward to)
10 除了东方明珠和金茂大厦外,外国的游客们还浏览了人民广场一些主要购物街(visit)
11 他自从到了美国之后,每阁至少一个星期和父母通一次电话(once every other week)
12 昨晚我做作业时听见有人在敲门

1.All rules all must observe strictly
2.Ba Jin was considered is a great writer
3.The scientists are carrying on an important experiment
4.After a day-long work, he already was tired does not have the strength to do one's assignment
5.In past several years, Beijing's transportation already greatly was the improvement
6.Was this pilot has caused this traffic accident carelessly?
7.We still remembered last year we the day which passed together in Paris
8.More and more many Americans start to worry own security
9.We hoped can attend the Beijing Olympic Games' opening ceremony
10.Besides the Eastern pearl and the golden cyclopentadiene building, the foreign tourists also glanced over people's square some main shopping strip
11.He since arrived US, each Chinese style pavilion at least week and the parents make a telephone
12.I did one's assignment last night when heard some people to knock on a door
