
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 23:11:36
1.Where is your pencil-case?

2.Whose dress is this?(Amy)

3.Which animal do you like best?/why do you like it?

4.What day is it today?/what's the date today?

5.What's your name?

6.What's his name?(Mike)

7.What's her name?(Amy)

8.What colour is it?(red)

9.What time is it?(2:58)

10.What classes do you have on Mondays?

11.What do you have for lunch on Mondays?(fish and cabbage)

12.What would you like for dinner?(chicken and soup)

13.What do you do?(a student)

14.What can you see in the pictures?(sheep)

15.What's the weather like today?(sunny)

16.What's this?(book)

17.What ate those?(lamb)

18.How many pencils do you have?(3)

19.How many kites can you see?(11)

20.How many people are there in your family?

1.Where is your pencil-case?你文具盒在哪
It is in my school-bag.书包里
2.Whose dress is this?(Amy)这个裙子是谁的?
It's Amy's.艾米的
3.Which animal do you like best?/why do you like it?你最喜欢什么动物?为什么你喜欢它?
Panda.Because it is very cute.熊猫,可爱
4.What day is it today?/what's the date today?今天是星期几?今天是几号?
It's Monday. It's Aug. 17th. 周一,8月17号
5.What's your name?你叫什么名字?
My name is Cathy.凯西
6.What's his name?(Mike)他叫什么名字?
His name is Mike.麦克
7.What's her name?(Amy)她叫什么名字?
Her name is Amy.艾米
8.What colour is it?(red)这是什么颜色?
It is red.红色
9.What time is it?(2:58)几点了
It is 2:58.现在2:58
10.What classes do you have on Mondays?你星期一都有什么课
I have English and Chinese.英语和语文
11.What do you have for lunch on Mondays?(fish and cabbage)你星期一中午吃什么?(鱼和萝卜
I have fish and cabbage.
12.What would you like for dinner?(chicken and soup)你晚饭想吃什么?(鸡肉和汤)
I like chichen