3、我担心那座有2000多年的古城会从地球上消失;4、令我惊讶的是他对他的父母非常粗鲁; 这几句怎么翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 01:01:58
1、他感兴趣的不是电脑而是自然科学;2、许多年前,许多英国人到澳大利亚寻找黄金; 顺便把这两句也翻译一下 谢谢!!

He is interested in natural but not computers .
Many years ago, many British people went to Australia to find gold.
I am worried that the old city of more than 2,000 years will disappear from the Earth.
I am surprised that he is very rude to his parents

1.He is not interested in computers but natural.

2.Many years ago, many British people went to Australia to find gold.

3.I am worried that the old city of more than 2,000 years will disappear from the Earth.

4.I was surprised that his parents were very rude.

有那位朋友和我的遭遇一样啊?我很担心! 我母亲55岁,肾病多年。我担心以后有什么大问题,做什么检查才可以知道病情? 害怕失去那多年的友情,教我怎么办? 我有银屑病多年 我担心我的手有问题... 我父亲耳聋多年,请问全国那家医院治疗耳聋最有权威,有什么好的药品吗? 请问有谁能帮我克服抑郁的心理吗?有的时候担心这,担心那的 我妈妈总是担心这担心那的,比如说她看到她的旁边有玻璃片她就会觉得她手上都是玻璃片。这是怎么回事呢? 我觉得自己平时会很忧郁。一会担心这,一会担心那,请问有什么好的方法克服啊? 我面部有扁平疣多年了`~那位好心的朋友能告诉我怎么才能治好呢``真诚的谢谢你`