
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 05:51:25
我这有3篇英语作文 1.暑假你一定过得很开心吧请按下列要求写以my day 为题的作文 要求:记一天中使你最开心的事 那天天气 事发的地点和内容

2.以 I went to .....on vacation 为题写一篇 8-10句的作文 要求:和谁去 去哪里到那几个景点 玩过之后的心情如何

3 以My favorite is ....为题,写一篇的作文 要求:最喜欢的事情比如 电影之类的 为什么喜欢这个事情 要具体 如喜欢看电影是由于喜欢某位明星

麻烦大家了 这些作文都只要8-10句 我想帮我弟弟看看 所以求大家帮忙

My day
I have spent a happy summer holiday now. The most enjoyable thing that happened during this summer was to swim with my brother. My brother was a good swimmer , who had swum for about 3 years. We went swimming together on a hot sunny day to the nearest swimming pool. I liked the swimming very much because that day the sun was burning on us making us feel so hot. In the cool water we cooled down our bodies and exercised. It is the most joyful thing that has ever occured to me. Don't you think so?

I went to Hainan on vacation
Summer comes , and the weather has become irritating. My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good relax. I thought about it for a while and agreed. Hainan is really a good place, where palm trees are abundant. We went to a park where we enjoyed cool palm drinks. We also went to visit the monkey island. The monkeys were really cute to look at. We really enjoyed this trip. We were very happy!